Indoors at Furness Vale Nursery

Indoors at Furness Vale Nursery

Indoors at Furness Vale Nursery

Indoors at Furness Vale Nursery
Here at First Steps Nursery we understand that best way for children to learn is through their play and experiences. We have fantastic indoor facilities at our Furness Vale Nursery, that will nurture children’s learning.
Here are just a few things we have to offer:
- A story room where children can explore stories through puppets, songs, poems and story sacks. The children can also use the computer in this room to help with emerging communication language and literacy skills.
- Cafe snack. The children can access fresh milk and water and chose from a variety of snacks.
- Heuristic and natural play is children’s learning can extend through using all of their sense. All children enjoy heuristic play especially the babies.
- Messy play is always freely available in all rooms. Messy play in baby room is food base like beans or flour. The older children have things such as paint, gloop and slime.
- Sensory room at Furness Vale our sensory room is positioned up stairs at the bungalow and is fully equipped with resources that promote multisensory experience for the children. Including mirrors, sound, light and natural play.
- Lots of ongoing activities which we take form the children’s current interests such as role play, small world, construction and other focused activities
We offer our children choice and create experiences that help them to learn how to do something by themselves, which promotes their self-esteem. When children are allowed to be creative and make choices, it opens the door to learning that is pitch at their level and pace. This helps to create individual development that is unique to every child.
Creative and messy play is essential for early childhood learning. They have first hand experience about what mushy, slimy, or messy is, and being able to make their own choices enables them to have fun when they are exploring which will nurture their joy at learning more.

Indoors at Furness Vale Nursery

Indoors at Furness Vale Nursery

Indoors at Furness Vale Nursery

Indoors at Furness Vale Nursery